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Tag Archives: appletv

What is Apple’s Swift Playgrounds?

Coding in the classroom with Swift Playgrounds Apple’s new app, Swift Playgrounds, aims to provide school students with a fun, gamified way to learn programming as part of their Everyone Can Code initiative. It introduces kids to the language and the basics of programming as a whole.  As the name suggests, the app teaches students to code […]... Read More »

Easy-to-use gymnasium projector system at Caulfield Grammar

You can either watch the video version of this blog, or read about it in the text below. DIB were engaged to install a brand new dedicated projector system in the gymnasium at Calfield Grammar School’s Malvern campus. The school was previously dragging in a portable projector every time there was an event. The gymnasium space […]... Read More »

State of the Art Interactive Classroom Upgrades at Caulfield Grammar School

Across its 5 campuses, Caulfield Grammar School provides quality teaching and quality learning. The school has a culture of learning, state-of-the-art facilities and an unmatched focus on staff professional development. DIB have worked with Caulfield Grammar across many installations to bring them the very best in educational technology. DIB Australia recently worked with Caulfield Grammar […]... Read More »

Quick Guide to Vivi: Engage Every Student

Vivi is a new technology supplied by DIB Australia. In a nutshell, Vivi is a wireless presentation tool that enables teachers and students to share, display, annotate, capture, and save information in real time. Using Vivi, teachers can display whatever they want including videos, websites, presentations, and exercises. Students can then effortlessly capture what is […]... Read More »

Modern Classroom Technology at St James College

The school is a valued past client of DIB Australia, and the team were excited to work with them on audio visual installations for their new building. This article will cover the three classroom installations. Click here to read about the AV installation for the school’s new foodtech room. The DIB team designed and installed […]... Read More »

Foodtech Camera System for St James College

St James College is a Catholic secondary school for boys located in Bentleigh East. The school is a past client of DIB and has long recognised the value of education technology in extending and developing learning opportunities. They have an iPad program from year 7 and incorporate high quality technology in most learning spaces. Computer literacy […]... Read More »

Quick Guide: Wireless Projectors and Other Wireless Display Technologies

So many technologies have gone wireless in the 21st century. Cordless computer peripherals like mice and keyboards are everywhere and most of us can’t live without our WiFi. Now days many phones support wireless charging and our file transfers take place over the cloud. Projectors are no different, with most modern models coming standard with […]... Read More »

Elegant Video Conference Installation for Caulfield Grammar School: Part 1

This is part 1 of a series of articles exploring DIB’s installation of a conference room audio visual solution for Caulfield Grammar School. This part will introduce the installation and look at its overall functionality. Click here for Part 2 – Technology and Features, which goes in-depth about the benefits and features of the different devices of […]... Read More »