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Apple's Swift Playgrounds app

What is Apple’s Swift Playgrounds?

Coding in the classroom with Swift Playgrounds

Apple’s new app, Swift Playgrounds, aims to provide school students with a fun, gamified way to learn programming as part of their Everyone Can Code initiative. It introduces kids to the language and the basics of programming as a whole.  As the name suggests, the app teaches students to code in Swift, Apple’s very own programming language.

The app is exclusively available on iPads, perfect for the many Victorian schools which have implemented 1:1 iPad learning programs for all students. When using Swift Playgrounds users see the code on one side of the screen alongside a live view of what the code is doing on the other. This lets students see the actual effect of their changes to the code in real time. The app makes coding fun and like playing a game.

Apple's Swift playgrounds app screenshot

Swift Playgrounds provides anyone with an iPad with an accessible path into the world of coding. Many schools have realised the necessity of computer science education, however Swift Playgrounds represents a tried, tested, and easily-implemented program for all. The programming skills acquired by students in the app are sure to benefit them into their future across industries and career paths.
Apple writes that “Technology has a language. It’s called code. And we believe coding is an essential skill. Learning to code teaches you how to solve problems and work together in creative ways. And it helps you build apps that bring your ideas to life.”

When paired with an AppleTV box, students and teachers will be able to wirelessly share their iPad screen on the classroom’s projector or display at the touch of a button. This will allow them to work through parts of the app together, share creations and consolidate learning.

Overall, the Swift Playgrounds app looks to be a game-changer for teaching coding and education technology.

Swift Playgrounds – App Store

Click Here for more information about AppleTV and other wireless display options.

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