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Aurora LED Wall

Aurora LED Wall

Emmanuel College – Notre Dame Campus Gym Upgrade

The team at DIB Audiovisual love working on project in gymnasiums. And this LED Wall installation at the Notre Dame Campus of Emmanuel College is no exception.

By virtue of their original designed purpose, gymnasiums bring light and sound challenges not
experienced in other spaces.

LED Walls are an excellent option because of their sleek, rugged design and high light output.

For this project, we specified three AURORA V-Spec AOB Range P2.6 Indoor LED Wall – 140″

Aurora LED Wall

Aurora LED Wall

We also installed a number of various sized FBT Shadow speaker units. These speakers provide excellent music and speech reproduction in a compact enclosure, ensuring a
clear intelligibility, with very low distortion also over long distances.

FBT Shadow Speaker

FBT Shadow Speaker

The project also involved a complete Camera Recording/Streaming
and Control System.

The laser cut panels behind each screen add an aesthetic detail to the project.

Another great LED Wall Installation project from the DIB Team. For more information please call us on (03) 9457 4800 or email info@dibaustralia.com.au