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New AV Upgrade at Hawthorn Aquatic Centre’s Program Room

Located in the Boroondara Council, the Hawthorn Aquatic Centre hosts a number of different areas to help people achieve their personal fitness goals, including a gym, health & wellness areas, 50m pool and group fitness area. So when their Program Room required a sound upgrade for the space, they contacted the team at DIB to […]... Read More »

Powercor amps it up with Two High Quality Boardrooms

Powercor is a large electricity distributor in Victoria, managing poles, wires and equipment that deliver electricity to homes and businesses in Melbourne and through central and western Victoria.  Having worked with B2B Project & Construction in past projects for supply of AV design solutions and installations, when the team at Powercor required assistance for two […]... Read More »

Bendigo’s Victoria Police Multi-Disciplinary Centre (MDC) Conference Room

The newly opened Multi Disciplinary Centre in Bendigo brings multiple task forces together in one location to help streamline the process of different types of cases. The centre features several departments to investigate various types of offences and can offer support and counselling to the victims of these offences. Having worked with Victoria Police on […]... Read More »

At your service! Helpful Hints & Tips for AV Service

Like a car which needs regular services to keep it running well, your projector needs to be regularly serviced to kept it running optimally. If servicing is ad hoc, or worse still, not at all, your projectors can end up like some cars; needing replacement! Projectors (data projector, ultra short throw, short throw, long throw) […]... Read More »

Hidden AV system in Gym Foyer at Roxburgh College

Roxburgh College is a large state secondary school, consisting of a diverse school community in the northern suburb of Roxburgh. The foyer area outside the gym is an area that the school wanted to utilise the space by projecting onto the wall above the entrance to the gym. The main brief on the project is […]... Read More »

Epson AV update for Classroom hits the target at Roxburgh College

Being a large secondary state school, Roxburgh College has many classrooms for which a small percentage of classrooms would be required to be updated on an annual basis. One such room came up recently and the team at DIB were called to help assist with an AV solution for the space. DIB consultant Gabi met […]... Read More »

Updated AV classroom install at Westall Secondary College

Westall Secondary College is a culturally rich and diverse learning community, located in Melbourne’s southern suburb of Clayton South. Recently, the school had the need to install an AV system to update one of their classrooms. Solutions Consultant, Gabi Ceglia worked with the school to understand their needs and the teachers who would be using […]... Read More »

U3A Manningham – AV upgrade with Epson EB-1980WU projector

U3A or University of the 3rd Age, is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a place where over 50’s can share their skills and life experiences with others. Volunteers support the work to provide this unique opportunity where over 50s can keep their mind and body active. Our DIB Solutions Consultant, Gabi, went out to meet […]... Read More »