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New interactive projector for Cornish College portable

Cornish College’s philosophy is centred around gearing students for future success in this rapidly changing world, shaping them into forward-thinking individuals and citizens with an appreciation for the world and for life. Supported by a vibrant learning community, Cornish College’s commitment to excellence in every aspect of the student’s education and personal development means that […]... Read More »

Five new projectors for Parade College

Parade College aims to cultivate a vibrant, diverse learning community where students are supported in their exploration and development of their passions and talents. Whilst aiming to encourage students to excel in all aspects of their schooling, Parade College hopes to shape young men into well-rounded, respectful global citizens, who will go on to make […]... Read More »

Classroom AV upgrades for Heathdale Christian College

With a long history of academic excellence and innovative educational methods, Heathdale Christian College prides itself on cultivating a learning environment that both encourages and challenges students to achieve new highs in every aspect of school life. With a curriculum influenced by the Christian philosophy, the school aims to prepare students for the working world ahead […]... Read More »

OACC classrooms gain fresh new projector systems

Overnewton Anglican Community College (OACC) is a co-educational, Prep to Year 12 college that prides itself on the high academic results their students achieve. OACC strives to foster a respectful, inclusive learning environment where students are moulded into not only empowered, global citizens well prepared for the world ahead, but into lifelong learners. OACC is committed […]... Read More »

Relocation of AV system at Bundoora Secondary

Bundoora Secondary College‘s philosophy is centred around the empowerment of both students and staff. By ensuring that staff are supported in honing their teaching skills and providing the best learning environment possible, students are better encouraged to excel and achieve at high levels. In doing so, Bundoora Secondary equips students with the competencies and characteristics needed […]... Read More »

Fresh installation for Melbourne Girls Grammar studio

Since 1893, Melbourne Girls Grammar prides itself on being a front runner in girls’ education. Melbourne Girls Grammar strives to empower their students and encourage them to be more confident in their capacity to achieve high academic standards. With innovative learning and co-curricular programs, supplemented by state-of-the-art facilities, the school not only prepares students for the ever-changing and […]... Read More »

A new monitor for Melbourne Grammar meeting room

Melbourne Grammar School actively maintains its long history of academic excellence by providing a comprehensive, fulfilling education to over 1,800 students. By fostering a supportive, strong environment where students are allowed to grow and excel, Melbourne Grammar aims to support students as they develop intellectual, emotionally, spiritually and socially. Melbourne Grammar further strives to provide […]... Read More »

Projector relocations at Thomas Carr gym

Thomas Carr College strives to imbue students with an appreciation of their spiritual side, whilst supporting them through their academic journey as they develop intellectually, physically and emotionally. With the goal of producing young people of faith and character in mind, Thomas Carr incorporates state-of-the-art facilities into their curriculum to help students in their discovery […]... Read More »

CPSU sees audio visual upgrade in their training room

The Community & Public Sector Union (CPSU) is an organisation that strives to protect the rights of their members. Their philosophy is constituted on the beliefs that every worker deserves to work in a safe workplace, treated with dignity and respect, and be compensated fairly for their time. As such, the CPSU provides high-quality services such as […]... Read More »

Audio visual revamps at St Paul’s Primary School

St Paul’s Primary School strives to provide an education that empowers students. In an environment where unity, faith, love and respect are at the forefront, the primary school’s learning and teaching principles ensure that each child is encouraged to reach their potential. Students are molded into individuals who have the capacity and the skills necessary to […]... Read More »