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Tag Archives: Epson projector software

Epson EasyMP Silent Version

IT Managers have enough network, server and other relevant challenges to deal with. So how can we make the IT guy’s life a little easier? Being able to remotely install software onto PCs or laptops would help! How can this be done?… by installing what’s know as the Silent Version of Epson EasyMP for both […]... Read More »

Epson EasyMP for Projector Monitor & Control (grouping/management)

  Epson EasyMP is making things easier for the IT Manager at your school… With the following features, Epson projector software is making time-consuming tasks a lot easier. Monitoring of projectors on network including Power status (On/Off) Receive problem alerts (via icons) Lamp operating time (lamp life) Control ability – Switch input sources – Change […]... Read More »