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Quick Guide to Classroom Capture with DiscoveryLab™

DiscoveryLab is an audio visual system for classroom observation only installed by the team at DIB Australia. In a nutshell, it involves the installation of discrete cameras and highly-sensitive microphones around the classroom which capture and record in high definition. Recordings are then saved onto a USB stick for future use.

These systems can be highly impactful for teachers and students alike. For teachers, DiscoveryLab offers an unequalled opportunity for self reflection and professional development. By viewing recordings of their lessons, teachers gain valuable insight into their teaching practice. Students can have their teachers share DiscoveryLab recordings to catchup on missed lessons or assist them in revising difficult content.

discoverylab classroom capture preview monitor and control panel

DiscoveryLab preview monitor and control panel

DiscoveryLab has two primary capture modes to suit each of these purposes. The first is PD (Professional Development) Mode. This mode provides a side-by-side view of the teacher and student perspectives, resulting in the complete package for powerful self-evaluation and peer review. The other capture mode is Lecture Mode. Here, the DiscoveryLab system records the view of the teacher/presenter alongside a video feed of the content from the teacher’s AV device. This second mode provides for student revision, Flip Learning, and in-house PD sessions by including the teacher’s PowerPoint presentation or other digital content synced to the student perspective recording.

A control panel is installed to handle all aspects of the operation of the DiscoveryLab system. From these panels, teachers can choose the capture mode and how much or little of the lesson they wish to record. A preview monitor is also included in the system, providing a live preview of the DiscoveryLab’s output so that teacher’s have confidence as to what is being recorded.

For an in-depth rundown of the full features of DiscoveryLab, click here.

For more about DiscoveryLab or assistance with your custom audio visual requirements, contact a DIB Audio Visual Solutions Consultant today. Phone (03) 9457-4800 or email us on info@dibaustralia.com.au.