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Extend your touchscreen with the CommBox Whiteboard

The CommBox Whiteboard is a versatile piece of technology that seamlessly fits into any collaborative working space.

Connect Entire Class on One Board

Foster discussions, like Number talks, by using AWW. Open your board on a touchscreen, share it with your students and let them solve a problem, one by one, by managing their participating rights. They can do it all from their seats, without going over to a board.

Involve Remote Students

With AWW you can involve those remote students by sharing the lesson presentation with them in real time. They can be a part of a discussion inside classroom even if they are not physically there.

Let Students Take Notes

Let students to take their notes right on your online presentation by sharing each student a copy of the board. After they are done with taking notes, they can export a presentation as a PDF or save it into their own AWW repository.

Engage Parents

With AWW you can connect parents with what you are doing inside classroom, as if they are right there. They can access the student’s repository of all drawings that happened on the touchscreen in a real time or later.

Focus on task at hand

Whether you’re collaborating, teaching, learning or just playing around and having fun, you want to think about what you’re doing, not about the tool you’re using.

That’s why we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the interface, so you don’t have to. We’ve carefully considered every feature and rejected many to keep the whiteboard simple to use. And it really is as simple as a real whiteboard. We’ve heard people as diverse as Ivy League students to toddlers’ parents praising its simplicity and effectiveness.

Collaborate easily

Picture is worth a thousand words. How many times have you talked with someone online and wished you could just quickly sketch something and show it to them? It’s a natural way of expressing, conveying information, teaching and learning.

With Web Whiteboard it’s as simple as clicking “invite” and then sending a link to the other person. There’s no registration needed, nothing to download and install, and no tedious “does it work for you now?” troubleshooting before you can actually use it.

Bring your own device

There’s no need to shell out for an expensive new equipment. Web Whiteboard works on any device – computer, tablet or mobile phone – as long as it has a decent-enough browser from the past few years.

This means you can continue to use whatever you or your organization, company or school already have, and is great for Bring Your Own Device settings. You can also combine devices – for example using an old tablet as a touch device but showing the whiteboard on a projector connected to a laptop.


You can use Web Whiteboard with no registration, and we’ll keep no personally identifiable information about you.

While you can register and subscribe to unlock extra functionality through our premium plans, this is completely optional, and even in this case, other participants in the shared whiteboards you create will remain anonymous. This also means that we’re in compliance with COPPA. In fact, many of our users are teachers working with students of varying ages. We value their trust and do not take the responsibility lightly.

Reuse your work

If you’re repeating classes or learning session, it gets tedious to have to prepare the board every time before the session. What if you could just prepare once, and then reuse the whiteboard in all the future sessions?

As a premium Web Whiteboard subscriber, you can do just that. Prepare the board in advance, save it, and then reuse it as many times as needed. Your sessions will not only be better prepared, you’ll also save time!

More whiteboard tools

Express your thoughts easier and convey ideas faster with additional whiteboard tools available to our premium subscribers.

Draw shapes such as rectangles, circles and ellipses (outline and filled-in), straight lines, or draw attention to a part of the board without drawing there with our handy pointer/signalling tool.

Plugin for your site

Love Web Whiteboard but need a similar tool for your site? You can easily add the whiteboard plugin to your pages, providing all the functionality, power and simplicity of Web Whiteboard to your users.

You can also customize the whiteboard’s look and behaviour to your specific needs through our custom API, including adding, removing or modifying the built-in functionality of the whiteboard, or adding your logo or custom background.