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epson ultra short throw projectors

A complete guide to ultra short throw projectors

Many of the latest and most capable projectors feature an ultra short throw design. Simply put, the throw of a projector is its distance from the screen. Therefore, a projector with an ultra short throw will beam its image onto a surface that is very close to the device itself. These projectors are most common in small venues like classrooms or boardrooms. Herein, this blog post will examine the benefits of projectors with an ultra short throw.

Compact Projector, Big Image

Often the throw of your projector will depend on the space in which it is being installed.  When designing any projector system, a DIB Australia consultant will often visit the location to assess the space and choose the right projector. While a theatre may use a projector with a long throw, classrooms will often utilise a projector with a short or ultra short throw. One main reason that ultra short throw projectors have surged in popularity is that they allow for a large and bright image to be produced in a very small space. They can project images from close range where other non-ultra short throw projectors may need to be metres away from the projection surface. Due to their compact nature, ultra short throw projectors are perfect for classrooms.

epson ultra short throw projector in classroom

An Epson ultra short throw projector in the classroom

Free From Shadows and Glare

Ultra short throw projectors are also favoured because they eliminate two of the common drawbacks of traditional projectors – annoying glare and disruptive shadows. Anyone who has attempted to give a presentation in front of a projector display will know this distraction and pain of trying to ignore or squint past the glare from the projector’s light beam. Similarly, standing and gesturing in front of a traditional projector will block the beam and cast shadows onto the display. These drawbacks of traditional projectors are disruptive and can quickly ruin the audience’s viewing experience. Ultra short throw projectors eliminate these issues by projecting from close to the display surface, above the heads of any presenters. This lets the teacher, student, or presenter move and gesture freely. They are able to stand wherever they want without having to worry about being blinded by glare or disrupting the display with shadows. This is especially important for interactive projectors as users are constantly performing motions and annotations on the display.

Which model?

The sheer amount of choice when buying ultra short throw projectors can be overwhelming. At DIB Australia we believe that in most cases Epson presents the best offerings. Their projectors are powerful and reliable, featuring colours that are three times brighter than leading competitive products, making for a fantastic viewing experience. Epson projectors are also designed to be easy and intuitive to operate. However, this advice is limited by its generality. For all our installations, the DIB team will work closely with the client on a case-by-case basis to assess their needs and choose the right projector for the job.

Click here to read about Epson’s ultra short throw range.

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