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Epson EB-1985WU hd boardroom projector

HD Boardroom Projector Installation

The team at DIB Australia were recently engaged by CSR Viridian to install a complete HD projector system in the company’s boardroom. CSR Viridian is Australia’s largest provider of glass for all kinds of uses, both residential and commercial.

A boardroom projector needs to be versatile and easy to use so that it can be adapted on the fly and quickly switched between multiple presenters. Meanwhile, image quality and price are also important factors. The Epson EB-1985WU projector was chosen because it succeeds on all of these fronts. It produces an impressive image with sharp details and vibrant colours. This means that staff can effortlessly view the display from all over the boardroom space. The projector system can be setup with the touch of a button and connected to a laptop instantly with as little as a single cable, making it easy to quickly jump in and out of a meeting and minimising wasted time setting up the technical side of presentations. Finally, the EB-1985WU manages to provide all of these features at a competitive price point.

Epson EB-1985WU hd boardroom projector

Epson EB-1985WU projector

A pair of Kramer speakers were also installed to deliver powerful audio that fills the boardroom. These speakers automatically go into power standby when not in use to save energy.

The projector screen could be retracted when not in use for a neat appearance.

epson 1985-wu retracted projector screen

The retracted projector screen

In addition to the projector itself, DIB provided a variety of input options for the system with the installation of HDMI, VGA, and 3.5mm audio wall plates. Staff can connect using a VGA cable for audio combined with an audio cable, or they can use a single cable for both with the higher quality HDMI input. This variety of options means that the system doesn’t discriminate based on whether staff are using the latest laptop or one from 10 years ago.

hdmi wall input plate

HDMI wall input plate

For assistance with your custom audio visual requirements, contact a DIB Audio Visual Solutions Consultant today. Phone (03) 9457-4800 or contact us.