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DiscoveryLab classroom capture and projector system

State of the Art DiscoveryLab System Installed in East Doncaster Secondary College Classroom

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DIB Australia were recently brought in by East Doncaster Secondary College to install a complete classroom audio visual system which included our DiscoveryLab classroom capture video system. The college has a tradition of excellence in academia with consistently impressive Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results. DIB were excited to work with East Doncaster to ensure that their staff and students continued to enjoy the very best in education technology.

DIB’s DiscoveryLab system utilises a number of discrete cameras and highly-sensitive microphones installed around the classroom to capture and record lessons in high definition. Recordings are then saved onto a USB stick for future use. Primarily, these recordings represent a powerful tool for teacher self-reflection and professional development. They allow teachers to look back at past lessons with a view of themselves and their students in order to garner effective, high quality feedback. The classroom observation system can also be invaluable in peer review, Flip Learning and in-house PD sessions.

Classroom capture system with LED preview monitor

Classroom capture system with LED preview monitor

To create the DiscoveryLab system, a HD camera was installed at the front and rear of the room to capture both the presenter and the audience perspectives. Discrete microphones were mounted from the ceiling around the room. Despite their clean, unassuming appearance these microphones are highly sensitive, to easily record student and teacher voices. A preview monitor was installed to display a live copy of the images that the classroom capture system is recording. This small screen will update its video as capture modes are changed to provide users with confidence as to what is being recorded.

Full HD ceiling mounted DiscoveryLab camera

Full HD ceiling mounted DiscoveryLab camera

The room was also equipped with an upgraded projector system. The classroom’s outdated projector was replaced by a new Epson EB-535W short throw projector. This new projector has far superior image quality and brightness to the school’s old model. The projector and DiscoveryLab systems could be controlled via a simplified wall control panel installed by DIB. The customised panel covers all aspects of operating the audio visual systems. The DIB team designed the panel to make it easy for teachers to decide how much or little of the lesson they wish to record and easily switch between capture modes.

Altogether, DIB have installed a modern classroom system. DiscoveryLab will allow for teachers to undertake unparalleled self-reflection and professional development. For students, the system is a valuable platform for revision, catch-up lessons, and Flip Learning.

For an in-depth rundown of the full features of DiscoveryLab, click here.

For more about DiscoveryLab or assistance with your custom audio visual requirements, contact a DIB Audio Visual Solutions Consultant today. Phone (03) 9457-4800 or email us on info@dibaustralia.com.au.