Charles La Trobe P-12 College is committed to providing an enriched educational experience for its students; their learning community is equipped with the latest technology and teaching resources to support their students.
The team at Charles La Trobe engaged DIB to complete classroom upgrade works, to increase student engagement by promoting an interactive learning space, with systems that were easy to use.
To achieve this we designed a solution that would best meet their objectives for the spaces, ensuring it was easy for the end-user to operate whilst enhancing their students learning experience. During the design process, we took into account the design and layout of the spaces which included pillars, this was an important factor when looking at mounting options along with cabling due to its unique window design of the spaces.

After upgrade installation, Epson EB-685WI Ultra short throw projector and Low gloss vitreous whiteboard.
The design incorporated Epson EB- 685WI Ultra Short-Throw Pen-based Interactive Projector paired with a low gloss Vitreous Enamel whiteboard which is ideal for interactive projection. The existing Gilkon Trolley system was able to be dissembled and re-used, with the backing steel frame enabling the mounting of the whiteboard in front of the pillar.
Keeping the school’s standard classroom AV setup consistent with the existing installations, the EPSON SP02 speakers where installed, along with a JED AV controller (removing the need to leave the projector remote in the classroom).
The control panel was conveniently programmed to make operating the system easy for the end-user. As a result of smart design and savvy cabling, the technician was able to hide most of it and ducting was kept to a minimum, thus achieving a clean, tidy and sleek finish.